Warung Bebas

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

BigData Spatial Indexes and HBase Toolbox

This is a set of experiments with HBase. From within ArcMap, you can create an HTable and export the content of a feature class into that table. The HTable is mapped into a Hive table to perform SQL Like queries on it and of course the Spatial Framework UDFs can be applied for spatial operations. If Hive is not fast enough for you, try Impala. Finally, by taking advantage of the RowKey design, a spatial index is derived using geohash to be later used in a MapReduce big spatial joins job.

Like usual all the source code can be found here.

Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

BigData: Experiments with Apache Avro and Parquet


In the GIS tools for Hadoop, we store and retrieve feature classes in Esri JSON or GeoJSON formats to and from HDFS. This post is about a set of experiments in different storage and serialization technics of feature classes. The two environments I evaluated are Apache Avro and Parquet. All the source code can be found here.

Experiment I - Simple Feature Class Schema

Despite that Avro has the capability of dynamic typing and being old fashion, I wanted to generate a set of POJOs for a simple feature class schema.  In my mind, a feature has a geometry and a set of attributes.   A geometry has a spatial reference and can be either a point, line or a polygon.  A point is made up of one coordinate. A coordinate is simply made up of an x and y value. Lines are made up of paths, where a path is a set of coordinates. Polygons are made of rings, where a ring is a set of coordinates. Based on the Avro specification, I wrote two schemas; one for a generic feature and one for a point feature. The feature attributes is a set of key values, where the key is in a text format, and the values can be either numeric or textural.

Using maven, a set of concrete class can be generated to be used in static programming:

$ mvn avro:schema

Experiment II - Generate Data

Once the classes are generated, the project is compiled and the set of features with random geographic coordinates is generated and placed into HDFS:

$ mvn exec:java -q -Dexec.mainClass=com.esri.RandomPoints -Dexec.args="cloudera hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/cloudera/points/points.avro"

Experiment II - View Avro Data

Since the Avro data is in a binary format, a "cat" of the data will render gibberish.  So I borrowed an idea from the Avro tool project to dump the content to the console in JSON text format:

$ mvn exec:java -q -Dexec.mainClass=com.esri.AvroToJson -Dexec.args="hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/cloudera/points/points.avro 10"

Experiment III - Run MapReduce Job on Avro Data

The MapReduce job in mind is a simple bin clustering, where the output is the number of points per bin - think of a bin as a cell in a grid.  Here are the mapper and the reducer.

private static final class FeatureMapper extends AvroMapper<
AvroPointFeature, Pair<Long, Integer>>
public void map(
final AvroPointFeature feature,
final AvroCollector<Pair<Long, Integer>> collector,
final Reporter reporter)
throws IOException
final AvroPoint avroPoint = feature.getGeometry();
final AvroCoord coord = avroPoint.getCoord();
final long x = (long) Math.floor(coord.getX() - XMIN);
final long y = (long) Math.floor(coord.getY() - YMIN);
final long g = (y << 32) | x;
collector.collect(new Pair<Long, Integer>(g, 1));
private static final class FeatureReducer extends AvroReducer<Long, Integer,
Pair<Long, Integer>>
public void reduce(
final Long key,
final Iterable<Integer> values,
final AvroCollector<Pair<Long, Integer>> collector,
final Reporter reporter)
throws IOException
int sum = 0;
for (final Integer value : values)
sum += value;
collector.collect(new Pair<Long, Integer>(key, sum));

Of course the Avro output can be viewed using the Avro to JSON tool from the second experiment :-)

Experiment IV - GeoProcessing Tool To Generate Schema.

I wanted to generate an Avro schema that closely resembles a specific simple feature class metadata. So, I wrote the SchemaTool as an ArcMap extension that writes to HDFS the specific Avro schema of a given feature class.

Experiment V - Export Feature Class Based on Specific Schema

Now that we have a specific schema, I wrote yet another extension (ExportToGenericAvro) to export the content of a feature class into an Avro formatted HDFS file. Again, you can validate the content using the Avro to JSON tool :-)

Experiment VI - Use Hive To Query Avro Data

Hive takes a SQL-like statement and converts to a MapReduce Job to operate on a table that is mapped to an HDFS path. Hive maps binary content as table using a concept called SerDe. In my experiments, I am using the Cloudera VM as my sandbox and it comes preinstalled with Hive and all kind of SerDe. An external Hive table can be defined as follows:

ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe'
INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.avro.AvroContainerInputFormat'
OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.avro.AvroContainerOutputFormat'
LOCATION '/user/cloudera/points/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'='hdfs://localhost.localdomain/user/cloudera/points.avsc');

Once the table is registered, you can start querying it.  Here is a sample query:

select geometry.coord,attributes['id'] from points limit 10;

Experiment VII - Using Spatial UDFs

The GIS Tools for Hadoop comes with a set of Spatial Hive User Defined Functions. This enable you to "augment" HQL with spatial operations. Make sure to first add the geometry and spatial framework jars to Hive and register the spatial UDFs. In my case, I cloned the projects, compiled them and copied the resulting jars to my local home folder from where I launched Hive.

hive> add jar /home/cloudera/esri-geometry-api-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar;
hive> add jar /home/cloudera/spatial-sdk-hive-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;
hive> source function-ddl.sql;

Now, I can perform spatial queries on my points table. Here is a sample query that counts the number of points that are within a certain distance from a specified point:

hive> select count(1) from points
where ST_DISTANCE(ST_POINT(geometry.coord.x,geometry.coord.y),ST_POINT(75,24)) < 5;

Experiment VIII - Parquet Format.

So, all the above experiments place the data in a row format in HDFS.  Parquet is a columnar storage for Hadoop. Typically the column schema is defined in Apache Thrift. However, there is a sub project that enables you to define your column schema in Avro - cool, no ? So I wrote yet another tool (ExportToAvroParquetTool) to export the content of a feature class into Parquet based format and based on a specific schema defined in Avro.

Final Thoughts…

Time is due to evaluate performance in capacity and speed - that will be an interesting post - per my readings, Twitter is so impressed with Parquet that they are already moving it into production - I like Avro, as it enables a future proof schema changes - after all you cannot "readjust" your data to fit a new schema when it is in the petabytes :-)

I do all my development on a mac and have a Windows VM running ArcMap and the Cloudera VM running Hadoop all on the same machine (Yea, it is a beefy machine :-) I had to use Putty to SSH tunnel all the ArcMap communication with Hadoop - check out this post for some hints.

Rather than using Hive, I desperately wanted to use Impala, however as of this writing, Impala does not support structs, maps nor UDFs. But when it does….it will be AMAZING, as in the past, when still in beta, it saved my "derrière", where I could query 4.5 billion records in under 20 seconds live on a stage in front of thousand of people !

Again, like usual, all the source code can be download from here.

Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

Download Studio Plus 11 + Crack

Download Studio Plus 11 + Crack - Unlead Video Studio adlah software editor video yang sudah terkenal di penjuru dunia. Ini adalah software buatan corel, sebuah perusahaan yang terkenal dengan software multimedia. Contoh : Photoshop, Corel Draw, Corel Capture dll.

Bagi sobat Alfarafsanjani yang ingin mendownload software ini, Silahkan download. Gratis gan tanpa dipungut biaya 100 % dan 100% Work. Link download ada di bawah gan ->

Download Unlead Studio Plus 11 (140Mb)
Download Crack Unlead Studio Plus 11 (1.24Mb)

Cara Menggunakan Crack :
Copy/Replace file yang ada Crack ke dalam folder instalasi Unlead Studio Plus 11. 

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Download IDM 6.17 Build 6 + Patch

Download IDM 6.17 Build 6 + Patch - IDM adalah software yang di gunakan untuk membantu proses download. IDM dapat mempercepat download suatu file. Langsung liat bawah aja sobat biar gk kelamaan. What is new in IDM 6.17 Build 6 :
(Released: Jul 26, 2013)
  • Changed Google Chrome extension because of false identification from Google
  • Resolved problems with downloading videos from several sites
  • Fixed a bug with high CPU loading
Download :

Sekian Dan Semoga Bisa membantu anda :D

Downlaod Advance System Care Pro 6.3 + Serial

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Advance System Care Pro 6.3 adalah software yang dapat sobat gunakan untuk Perawatan PC dengan Malware Removal, Registry Fix, Pelindungan Privasi, Kinerja Tune-Up, Sistem Pembersihan, dan Mengoptimasikan RAM di Komputer kita. Advance System Care Pro 6.3 juga berguna untuk memperbaiki file yang rusak, membersihkan registry dan cache internet.

Feature Advance System Care Pro
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  • Finish all Work wiht one click, Super Easy to Use
Screenshot :

Download :

Password if need : alfarafsanjani.blogspot.com

Notes :

Sekian postingan saya kali ini, Semoga dapat membantu anda dan Terima Kasih

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Download Winrar Acrivator Any Version (Also Work in Beta)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Berbicara ttg winrar, Winrar adalah software yang mudah di dapatkan dan simple dalam mengoprasikannya. Winrar berguna untuk mencrompres file/mengekstrak file. Winrar dapat mengkompres file berformat RAR dan ZIP. Gratis mencoba selama 40 hari ($29/Lisensi = Rp. 290000/Lisensi). Tapi kalian semua tenang saja, AlfaRafsanjani menyediakan lisensi winrar, bisa di pakai di winrar versi apa saja, gimana menaraik kan? Baca Selanjutnya di bawah ->

Notes :
Work with almost all the version of WinRAR (Latest 5.00 beta 7)
Work in 32bit and 64bit 
Update compability without lisense expiration
Activation lasts for life time

Screenshot : 

If Need Password : alfarafsanjani.blogspot.com

Sekian yang bisa saya share kepada kalian semua, bila ada kesulitan coment yah :D
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Download AVG Internet Security 2013 + Serial

AVG Internet Security 2013 adalah antivirus dari AVG yang memberikan kecepatan dalam mendeteksi virus dan fitur tambahan untuk memproteksi komputer kita browsing di Internet. AVG Internet Security 2013 juga termasuk 10 antivirus terbaik di dunia. 

Persyaratan sistem minimum : 
Prosesor : Inter Pentium 1,5GHz
Memori : 512 MB RAM
Space Hardisk for Instal AVG : 1 GB

Biar gk penasaran langsung saja download/unduh saja AVG Internet Security 2013 melalui link di bawah ini :

Serial AVG Security 2013 : 

Sekian tentang postingan AVG Internet Security 2013 + Serial, Semoga Bisa membantu dan Terima Kasih

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Download Total Video Converter 3.71 HD Full Version + Serial

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hari ini saya akan memosting Total Video Converter HD 3.71 Full Version, sebuah video converter favorit yang dapat mengkonversi berbagi macam jenis format video. Selain Video, Total Video Converter HD 3.71 juga dapat mengkonversi audio loh. 

Monggo di coba gan, 

Password If Need : alfarafsanjani.blogspot.com

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Update Connectify Pro 4 3 0 26370 + Serial Work 100%

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Update Connectify Pro 4 3 0 26370 + Serial Work 100% - Hari ini saya akan memberi tahu anda, tahu pengetahuan lo bukan tahu makanan, Hehehehehehehe :D

What Is New in Connectify Pro 4 3 0 26370 :
Bukti Connectify Pro 4 3 0 26370 :

Password If Need : alfarafsanjani.blogspot.com

Cara Memasukkan Lisensi Connectify Pro 4 3 0 26370 :
  1. Blok Progam Connectify  4 3 0 26370 dari Firewall
  2. Ganti File hosts yang ada di C:\\Windows\System32\driver\etc
  3. Tambahkan update.connectify.me pada file hosts
  4. Matikan Internet / Wifi / Sejenisnya.
  5. Masukan Serial key di connectify pro 4 3 0 26370 
  6. And Enjoy 

Ada Kesulitan Coment yah, Malu bertanya sesat di jalan loh :D

 Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


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